“What I do love about wellness and the process for it, is that you can be in a rhythm and then fall off the wagon. Sometimes when we fall off the wagon, we get so down on ourselves. However, you can always start over! ”
In episode 49 of the podcast, I had a chat with Jeanette Curtis about her wellness journey. I loved her openness about her personal wellness journey and it got me thinking about how I am going to restart my own journey.
Letting Go the Guilt - Guilt is a motherfucker. I mean really. I was doing great at one point with working out 4-5 times a week and not eating like complete trash. My emergency appendectomy had me out the game for a few months then a few months turned into a year. I felt so bad about it, that I just wasn't doing anything. So I am setting the guilt aside.
Finding Support - Everything in life is so much easier when you have a bomb support system. It's also super helpful when your support system has like minded goals and interest.
Sitting Still/Meditating - It is something when you can truly sit still, stop your thoughts, and listen to your body. Never in a million years did I think I would enjoy meditating. However, the more I practice, the more appreciative I become of the moments that I take for myself.
Practicing Yoga - I am making a return to the mat. My friend Kim, of PishPoshPerfect, and I made a pledge that we would take one session of yoga every week. We have been doing great and I am loving exploring different practices of yoga.
Finding What Works for Me - This one is going to prove tough for me, but I am going to shut out the outside noise. It's so easy to compare notes and say "Oh that worked for her, I have got to try it!" I don't want to play that game this time - not at all! I really just want to find what works for me and makes me feel my best!
So let me know, what are some of the things you do to jump start your wellness journey? Talk to me!