"The time and the tide wait for no man." - My Granny
Now I honestly don't know if my Granny made that saying up. However, it was one of her great sayings in her massive repertoire. Growing up I never quite grasped the meaning behind that saying, but now I get it! Time is going to keep moving whether you like it or not. It's April! Can you believe it?
Q1 of 2017 is gone. 90 days in the books already. How are you progressing with your goals you set for yourself this year? Let's check in on our progress to date. Every year I do a vision board, but this year I accompanied my vision board with PowerSheets. I wrote in December, about my need to use a goal planner in 2017. The PowerSheets are intense, but I must admit that I am sticking with them and they are quite helpful with attacking my goals.
For 2017, I choose the word discipline -- as my word of the year. It was the one word that would help me accomplish all the things I wanted to. Below is an update on my 2017 goals:
Snapshot of my action plan for one goal.
- Travel Goals -- I have not gone any where in 2017! *GASP* But that was part of the plan. After my emergency appendectomy in October, I had very little leave left. So I have to sit still as my leave rebuilds. Hopefully Q2 and Q3 I can report otherwise.
- Money Goals -- I wanted to increase my savings and lower my credit card debt. I can honestly say that I have not put anything on my credit cards in 2017! HUGE VICTORY! Savings account is looking alot better. I have also started purging things in my closets and home that I can sell! That money will be applied to credit card debt.
- Health Goals -- The emergency surgery last year sat me down from working out for four months. I am so excited to start lifting weights again. Hopefully I will be back on track for the weight loss game soon. Also, I started back to therapy which has been helpful. I pledged this year to have one act of self care a month. Facials, massages, and quiet time have all worked out wonderfully.
- Love/Relationship Goals -- Love...well yea no progress on that front. But I have been touched, so that counts for something. The year of no fucks is OVER, YAY! I am going to make a constant effort to date more.
- Side Hustle Goals -- I killed this category. *pats self on the back* No really I have. I re-branded the site, launched the podcast, started a newsletter (please sign up, lol). It's time to take it up a notch in the coming months, but this is going well! Thanks for reading and listening! You guys make this all work!
So check in with me in the comments. Let me know where you are standing in your progress for the year. I know I will be spending some time this week tweaking a few goals and making action steps for the refurbished goals. I suggest you do the same!
Let's keep crushing it! The choice is yours...