Where is spring? Why is it so rainy? Shouldn't we be experiencing May flowers? Spring come back...
This meme will never get old!
- I just read that 41% of Americans did not take a single vacation day in 2015. HOW SWAY HOW? Can I buy these unused days? Please use your time for you own mental health!
- I think I am only person who has not signed up for Amazon Prime.
- "You cannot convince people to love you. This is an absolute rule. No one will ever give you love because you want him or her to give it. Real love moves freely in both directions. Don't waste your time on anything else."
- I am so happy I addressed one of my weaknesses. In the past I never needed to write anything down. NOTHING! With age, I began to forget things and needed help! This year was the first year that I committed to using a planner. This planner has been so helpful!
- Managing your manager is 50% of your job. Understanding your managers weaknesses and strengths can make your work environment leaps and bounds better. Once you can master that and remove blockers, work becomes a breeze.
It's a new month -- set your goals and intentions and get to work! Happy Monday!