10 Bands? 50 Bands? 100 Bands? Ah fuck it man! So unlike Drake, KG and I are going to discuss these bands. Is there an acceptable dollar amount for someone to spend on an engagement ring? Find out what we think about.
He Says:
So I was having a conversation of mine that went a little something like this:
Friend: So I was on vacation just browsing in the store and I decided to go try on some rings (You know this is smart since you just started dating a dude 2 months ago). The lady let me try on one that was only $8000.
Me: Only??!?
Friend: Yes only. I always thought $10K was a standard for a ring
Me: You are a damn idiot.
Friend: What do you mean? I think with everything I have been through with guys, $10K isn’t that much.
Me: Ok let me say this again. You are an idiot. And you might want to go buy a cat.
Am I tripping? 10 stacks for a piece of jewelry?? Listen Linda…No. Outside of the fact that we know the engagement ring industry is a sham DeBeers created, who in their right mind needs a $10K ring? That’s right no one. If I am dumb enough to spend that much on a rock, I am probably not the man you want to marry.
These all have to cost $10K plus.
Now before you just immediately say “K you are just a cheap ass Negro” just hear me out. A woman demanding a man buy an expensive engagement ring, is most likely telling her man to throw away a significant amount of what will most likely become their income on an item that value is largely symbolic. So if I was lucky enough to have $10K sitting around when I was preparing to marry you, why would I blow it all on one item that doesn’t even show that I am married to you (Remember you still have to go buy the wedding ring)? I get it that you want something nice to wear on your ring to be a symbol of you love, but what is the cap? Can you spend $2-4K on something that looks nice but doesn’t burn your pockets?
I guess I am lucky enough to have married a woman who didn’t care too much about the amount or size of the ring. I respect all of y’all men and women who find worth in this here purchase, but just remember that the geology doesn’t actually proclaim anything about your love.
She Says:
Does size matter? YES! Size matters wether you are talking about wallets, dicks, tits, or diamonds! SIZE MATTERS! LOL!
Man! How many times have I had the conversation with friends involving screenshots and the question "Would you say yes if he proposed with this?" HOW MANY TIMES LORD! It comes up a lot in conversation! It is a hot topic with black twitter too!
Would you?
Now I will be the first to admit, I love big, pretty, shiny, sparkly things! However, I am realistic. I have never been the girl looking on the Tiffany or Tacori website for engagement rings. Yet I will admire when I see Facebook friends who post amazingly gorgeous rings and I will also make a face when I see Facebook friends share rings that, how do I say this, don't fit my taste. Y'all can be honest too and admit you've screen shotted a ring and talked about it with your friends!
What opened my eyes to the cost of engagement rings was going shopping with KG a few years ago. WHAT AN EYE OPENER! I had no idea what $5,000 could buy or could not buy. A study from Emory University looked at 3,000 American adults; the study made a suggestion that men who spent $2,000 to $4,000 on engagement rings were 1.3 times more likely to see their marriages end than those who spent $500 to $2,000. HMMMMM!
The increased factor might come from the financial hardship that now exist from a man who overextended himself trying to purchase an expensive ring. Now if you have $10,000 or more to blow and want to buy a pricey engagement ring then by all means do it!
In my case is it important to me to have a big bling? No. Would I turn down big bling if that is what I was proposed with? NO! Honestly, save the money on the ring, let's skip a wedding, and let's grab those passports and go somewhere amazingly fab!
But hey that's just me!