KG and I give our recap of the 2016 Grammys. Did we miss anything or you disagree, let us know in the comments!
Sweet jesus I don’t know what was more boring the Superbowl or the Grammy’s. Ice Cube really had the right idea, present the first award then bounce and smoke a J. LOL! Any hoo, here are my random collection of thoughts from last night’s snooze fest.
1. I really am not a fan of Taylor Swift. Not at all!
2. Did LL Cool J sign a 10-year deal to host the Grammys? Why is he still doing this?
3. Why do you people like The Weeknd? I cannot believe this man is nominated for anything. His performance was terrible! How did he beat out The Internet? HOW SWAY?
4. My heart broke when I found out my boo Rihanna was not going to perform. She could have sung to a track, I mean she really could have!
5. The Grammys saved themselves with the Maurice White tribute. Some how the Stevie Wonder and Penatonix collab worked. It worked well!
6. Good luck trying to get Hamilton tickets now. They were sold out for the year before the Grammys and those resale prices are just not cool!
7. Why is Don Cheadle so damn fine? I think I threw my panties at the screen.
MJ lead the way!
8. KENDRICK MOTHERFUCKING LAMAR!!!!!! I mean that was something special. I peeped his homage to the best to ever to do it MJ! MJ told us years ago that “they didn’t care about us.” He was on to "they" before DJ Khaled was. MJ the God! Also shout out to the person who directed his set, the camera work added to its delivery!
9. Adele’s voice was definitely off, but All I Ask is it! That song gets you so deep in your feelings. sings and holds pillow tight GIVE ME A MEMORY I CAN USE…
10. Hey Diplo! #templemade
11. Lady Gaga did David Bowie justice. That girl is good!
As always I was mad that I stayed up to watch the whole show, but someone had to do it!
The Grammys is by far my favorite night of the year and my 2nd favorite Black Twitter night after the BET Awards. Last night, as always, did not disappoint.
But let’s get to my best moments of the night and also some snubs that hurt my soul. I have two snubs that really bothered me.
· Best Urban Contemporary Album - So listen. I am a proud member of the Fan Club of folks who thinks the Weeknd is terrible (I mean have you listened to his music). But even if his music was half decent, he in no shape of form should have beaten The Internet in this category. EGO DEATH IS ONE OF THE GREATEST ALBUMS OF ALL TIME! I mean even Miguel’s Wildheart was a better album to me. Whoever the hell is paying for the Weeknd to get all this publicity has to go sit back in Toronto somewhere. I am tired of it.
· Album of the Year - Listen Taylor…you went pop, sold out albums in Target and concerts around the world. But you had the 4th best album in this category right about the wretched Weeknd. This wasn’t even close to being her best album in her catalog and she beat out Kendrick ( who had an amazing record), Alabama Shakes (Did you see their performance last night…album is FLAMES), and Chris Stapleton who has made me interested in country music. I’m sorry but you did not deserve anything last night for 1989. For once in your life you should have looked shocked and surprised because you marketed yourself to Album of the Year.
Quick Thoughts
1. Demi Lavato who knew you could blow like that??? Like she out sang everyone in that tribute. They should have had her finish the tribute then maybe Lionel could have stayed in his seat and relaxed.
2. Stevie Wonder and Pentatonix saved the Grammy’s from a big misstep by not honoring Maurice White. Luckily they pulled their performance together and it was flawless. It is great to have people like Stevie in your back pocket. Side note: What in the entire fuck was Stevie wearing?? My man had on a Fatigue suit with Volt sneakers.
3. I want to go see Hamilton…but I probably have to wait until 2027 to get tickets. Can we get a livestream of it once on Starz Black one weekend??
White people don’t be mad this week too!
4. Kendrick Lamar. Unbelievable performance. It is not too much that I can say besides the shit was dope. I just hope I don’t hear comparisons of this performance to Beyoncé’s SuperBowl performance. There is no comparison. Kendrick left no doubt that he has taken the throne.
5. Gary Clark Jr has become the dude that is called on to perform every blues/soul tribute. And he kills every one of them. Also, if you haven’t listened to Chris Stapleton, please go listen immediately. Great voice.
One last thing- So did Common and the Grammy President try to say that me paying for music streaming was a bad business? Listen, Spotify and Apple Music have been the best thing to happen to the music industry in my opinion. I have purchased more albums in the past couple years from Artist’s that I would have never heard of. I am not sure if that speech was used to make me reconsider using Tidal, but maybe the whole point went over my head.